“Wanna go out for a cup of coffee?”
“Let’s meet over coffee...”
“I haven’t had my morning cuppa coffee yet!”
“Want to come upstairs for coffee...”
In such manner and many other ways we in India have moved towards Coffee. Coffee and cafe’ culture has changed our “going-out” definition totally.
Be it meeting friends, or just feeling like sitting quietly with a book; be it going out on a date, or getting to meet that someone special for the first time; be it taking a break from work, or completing that pending presentation; be it a late night get-away from home, or an early morning stop-over before office; be it before a movie or even after would do; be it post dinner, or post getting sloshed at some pub; be it an official meeting, or just a casual get together...be it any reason – being at a coffee cafe’ today is one of today’s most preferred going-out activity.
To me – coffee cafe is more than just about coffee. It allows young to be youthful and at the same time makes the not-so-young-but-young-at-hearts to come out and enjoy equally. I see a societal change that has come about in India due to this concept...to me; coffee cafe is the offline version of online social networking sites. What impresses me the most – all this has been achieved by coffee in India, in less than a decade – when India has been a tea-loving population.
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