In last two months my regularity of posting thoughts on this blog has taken a nose-dip. I have many times thought of getting back at it - but unfortunately never managed to either start on a subject of my liking or couldn't finish off a post.
Today, I have a strong reason to want to write - I suggested a fellow blogger to be more regular on posting on his blog...then I realised that I haven't done that myself in a long time...so here I am!
I had mentioned in one of my earlier posts "My Latest Purchase - Writer's Block" that I had become a proud owner of Calvin's invention - The Writer's Block. It seems to be a strong tool - anyhow, it came with a freebie - which I didn't know at the time of buying it, but am most glad about it - The Reading Bug!
When my ordered Writer's Block was delivered to my doorstep and I opened it - I was pleasently surprised to find this freebie, Reading Bug, inside. I didn't realise then that I could find use of both - but believe me that both have been extra strong in their effect on me. All of you can see what the block has done to me and on the other hand - the bug has made me read six novels in ten weeks.
I can't explain the feeling, to be back into the groove to read. And because of such efficiency that both, the block and the bug, have displayed - I can't decide which is a better bet! Since one comes with the other in this case - I think I shall hold on to both.
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