March 09th 2008
It wasn't a usual Sunday morning for Tina and I. Nothing unusual about the morning, just that the previous night we had seen a late night show of 'American Gangsters' and then decided to top it up with some TV viewing.
Having had slept at 0300hrs, waking up at 0900hrs was also a challenge on this morning. But we did...Tina had promised a breakfast-in-bed Sunday for me. Fighting her mind and body she got up first, started preparing for breakfast, only to realise that electricity had been out for sometime and somehow her plans had an important role for this anyway scarce resource!
With b-i-b not possible, I got up too - rather reluctantly though. Tina had by now prepared the part of our breakfast which she could cook on LPG. We finished with our breakfast and soon realised that our collective mood needed some boost. Thus, we decided to make use of an otherwise lazy Sunday to get some friends over for lunch.
Called up Nutsy + Vidhu - took them completely by surprise with our enthusiasm at that early an hour (0945hrs). They were still not sure whether they would be able to come for lunch or dinner and said would call back in half-hour's time. Expectedly so, call didn't come for the next 60 minutes as well...
Tina, by now, had planned to cook chicken and was quite sure that her plans wouldn't see light if we don't know what time are these guys coming. If it was lunch, then I had to go and get chicken and Tina would then marinate it. If it was dinner, then we had enough time...but to know whether it was going to be lunch or dinner that we had to prepare for - was critical.
I called back Nutsy, surprising him even further with our intent to having them over. I think it was more to do with the fact that we were asking him to get out of his house instead of letting him laze around (I know this as I would normally do the same). Finally, lunch was decided upon - common sense prevailed and all decided that since post-1700hrs on a Sunday evening, 'Monday-morning blues' start creeping in, thus enjoying dinner wouldn't be easy. It was decided that Nutsy + Vidhu would come over around 1330hrs (and they did).
Now, tasks for Tina and I were to:
a) Get chicken from a near-by market (I had never done this alone before, had no clue what and how to do)
b) Get enough soda and limca to last one afternoon
c) Tina to prepare food with me as her 'mundu' (MUDIT - DON'T DO THAT / MUDIT - WASH IT PROPERLY / MUDIT - WILL YOU PLEASE STOP FOOLING AROUND...)
d) I had to prepare a refreshing afternoon drink
e) Both had to take bath and be ready for receiving our guests
Well - finally food was ready and so were we. Our friends arrived in time and had brought some very tasty chocolates with them (more about these chocolates sometime later). After a glass of water, I straight jumped to a simple beverage preparation - Gin (loads of it), some Limca and some Soda. Added a slice of lime and two cubes of ice. This surely was a hit with our guests (or they made me believe so...). Tina had arranged for some snacks, trying to keep it as healthy as she could.
We four sat down eating and drinking on the carpet on the floor. Nothing better when ol' friends meet and you just have an informal gathering - more to unwind and chillax. We sat and yapped, discussed Nutsy's probable BIG ideas...talking about how we all were doing individually...laughing most of the times.
After two drinks and multiple rounds of snacks, it was time for delectable food prepared by Tina. The girls went out to lay the table and in no time we sat down for lunch. We hogged as if there was no tomorrow, all credit goes to me as I had brought and bought the chicken after all.
Eating-fatigue hit all of us bad - this time we were lying on the carpet on the floor. Every once in a while realising that someone had dozed off...soon we felt we better get coffee to help us sit. It was nearing 1700hrs. Girls were good enough to volunteer to make coffee, which gave us enough energy to sit up and feel 'Monday-morning blues' creeping up. Nutsy + Vidhu decided to call it quits for the day - got up and got ready to leave.
One of the lastcollective thoughts that came to us was "we can do this at-least once every month!!!" Yeah, just as everytime you do something simple yet important - the same question comes to your mind. It reminds me of Dil Chahta Hai. Three friends in Goa, feel the same - let's do this once every year at-least!!!
Guys, this was one of the best Sunday afternoons that I have spent in a long time. It took no real effort - there was enough lazing around as well. But the best part - it was with friends. It was truly blissful...
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